Launched the eco-religious revolution known as Bishnoism at Samrathal Dhora on eighth day of black fortnight of the month of Kartika (Indian Lunar Calender) in 1485 A.D. Jambho ji, was born in a remote village Pipasar in 1451 A.D. He was the only child of his parents i.e. Father,Lohat ji Panwar and Mother, Hansa Devi. For first 7 years, Jambho ji was a silent, introvert child. He also spent a lot of time (27 years) as a cowboy like Lord Krishna (Incidentally both had an identical Birth day i.e. Janmashtami!)
At a age of 34, Jambho ji founded Bishnoi religion. His teachings were in poetic form,known as Shabadwani. Although, he preached for next 51 years, travelling across the country, only 120 Shabads i.e. verses of Shabadwani, are available at present. Even these 120 shabads are a source of great wisdom and are sufficent for an individual to understand and follow his path.
Bishnoism, as mention earlier revolves around 29 commandments.Out of these 29 commandments, 8 prescribe to preserve bio diversity and encourage good animal husbandry.7 Commandments provide directions for healthy social behaviour. 10 commandments are directed towrds personal hygiene and maintaining basic good health. Rest 4 commandments provide guidelines for worshipping God daily.
Bishnoi community observes socio-religious gatherings known as Melas twice a year at Mukam where Guru ji’s mortal frame was consigned to earth in 1536 A.D.
In a nutshell, Jambho ji was a great visionary, who had forseen the consequences of man’s actions destroying nature for economic development. He saw the need for environmental protection and weaved his principals into religious commandments so that people can internalise those principals easily.
श्रद्धा-पुष्प… मांगते है आज गुरू जी से हमेँ हमारी टूटी पतंग और डोर दे दो,
चौ॰ भजनलाल जी फिर ना दे सको तो उनके जैसा कोई और दे दो।
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